Going on holiday? Going on vacation is a great feeling and will always be a highlight of the year, but it is understandable if you feel some stress and anxiety about leaving the property vacant for an ex-tended period of time. You will want to take the time to get the house prepared and ready for the time that you are away so that you will not be worrying about the home while trying to relax on your trip. So, what are a few things that you need to do before you set off? Keep reading to find out a few key steps to take.

1. Check the Fridge & Take Out The Trash

You don’t need to turn off the fridge or freezer while you are away, but it is a good idea to go through the fridge and take out anything that will turn while you are away. Additionally, you should take out the trash just before you leave so that you do not come home to bad odors and pests.

2. Program Your Thermostat

You also need to consider the central heating while you are away. You may want to shut it off entirely, but you may want to set the program to turn on occasionally to keep hot water flowing through the pipes. If you have a smart thermostat, you can set it to an “away mode” to save energy and money.

3. Check Windows & Doors

Many people worry about leaving their house vacant for extended periods of time due to criminals. It is smart to check the windows and doors to ensure that they are all locked, secure, and strong. If you have any vulnerable entry points, you can find ways to strengthen these to prevent criminals from gaining access and for peace of mind.

4. Use An Anti-Loitering Device

An anti-loitering device is a great way to stop people from hanging around the home when you are not there. These can be set by timer and will emit a high-frequency noise that will encourage people to disperse if hanging around your property. You can get these from places like mosquitoloiteringsolutions.com and they are a worthwhile investment.

5. Use A Video Doorbell

Another excellent security product that can be particularly useful when you are away is a video door-bell. These allow you to speak to those that are out the front of your house even while you are away via your smartphone and will help you to keep an eye on things.

6. Alert Your Neighbors

Finally, you should alert your neighbors when you are going on holiday. You can get them to keep an eye on your property while you are at home as well as take in any mail, water the plants, and look after the home to give you peace of mind.

These are a few of the main steps to take before you go on holiday that will ensure that your home is ready to be left vacant for an extended period and can give you peace of mind on your vacation.

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