With the growing adoption of pets around the world, pet parents call their pets “babies” instead of dogs or cats. This is because they are loyal, keep your company, and love you unconditionally. And as a pet owner, you want to reciprocate with the best care possible.

But what happens when your furry friend isn’t feeling well, or you notice something unusual? Whether it’s an upset stomach or something more serious (that requires immediate attention), the signs will be hard to miss if you know what to look for in your pet.

So how can you be sure if it’s time to call your local veterinarian? Let us help. We’ve put together six key signs that necessitate a vet appointment:

Something Unusual On Your Pet’s Coat Or Skin

Skin problems are common among pets and can lead to more serious conditions. Skin conditions like fungal infections, bacterial infections, and parasites can all manifest themselves in various ways on your pet’s skin. These conditions may not be fatal, but it’s crucial that you address them quickly to avoid bigger problems down the road.

Consider taking your pet to the vet if he or she shows any signs of skin infections. These conditions can cause changes in the way your dog’s body reacts to things like stressors. Moreover, bacterial infections occur in areas that are not easily accessible to human eyes, leading to irritation and frustration. If you witness any such issues, consider using Cephalexin for dogs and cats, which is an effective medicine for all the above-mentioned conditions.


If your pet is vomiting, it may be symbolic of something unusual. Consider taking your pet to the vet. Sounds obvious? But sometimes, we assume vomiting is just the result of an upset stomach or that it’s a common occurrence. However, a number of different factors can cause vomiting.

Mostly, food poisoning or eating something unhealthy (like chocolate) can lead to vomiting. However, vomiting could also indicate a foreign object in your cat’s stomach, like an errant toy or toy part (if they inhaled or swallowed a toy while playing).

Vomiting can also be because of other diseases like pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) or kidney failure, which necessitates emergency treatment. If you notice signs of dehydration like dry mouth and sunken eyes along with vomiting, this should be taken seriously as well.

Changes In Appetite

If your pet is not eating, it may be a sign of something unusual, meaning an appointment with the vet (dyrlege) becomes necessary. In the same way that a lack of appetite can be a sign of illness in humans, the same goes for animals. If your dog or cat isn’t eating as much as he normally does and seems lethargic, take him to the veterinarian without more thoughts.

On the other hand, if your pet suddenly starts eating more than usual, this could be a sign of illness too. If you notice that your cat is gobbling down food at a shocking rate—more than she usually does—and seems overly hungry, visit your veterinarian immediately. This could be due to illness, making it necessary to see your vet because she might experience problems like weight gain if left unchecked for too long.

Lastly, if your pet starts turning up his nose at what he previously enjoyed eating? That means something may be problematic. While some cats are picky about their foods (especially when they’re pregnant), most dogs will eat just about anything placed before them. So, if yours suddenly stops showing excitement around his food choices, then there may very well be cause for concern here too.

Not Using The Litter Box

If your cat or dog is not using the litter box, it can be due to some underlying medical problem. Cats are more vulnerable to Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) that can cause them to avoid their litter box.

However, your pet may be having litter box aversion due to an unpleasant experience with the box and now refuses to use it. This could be due to being scolded for pottying outside of the box as a kitten or puppy, being denied access for drinking/eating water from their bowl before using the litter box, or other factors such as getting dirty after using the bathroom outdoors instead of inside your home’s protected space.

Irregular Behavior

If you notice your pet showing abnormal behavior, it’s important to identify the root cause of the problem. Not all irregular behaviors are due to health problems—pets can act unusual for various reasons. But if you notice something new or unusual, there’s a possibility it could be an indication that your pet needs attention from a professional.

It’s crucial to note that some pets may be more susceptible than others to some issues in specific areas or scenarios. For example, cats can have trouble with regular bowel movements if they’re stressed out, while dogs can experience stress diarrhea if they’re put into unfamiliar situations like traveling by car or visiting new places.

Lameness Or Trouble Breathing

If your pet is limping and has difficulty moving around, or if he is having trouble breathing and coughing frequently, it could be due to something serious. If you think your animal is sick or injured, don’t think twice about visiting a vet—these types of signs require immediate attention.

Abnormal behavior that goes on for days/weeks. If a change in your pet’s behavior lasts longer than a couple of days, it could be a sign that something is wrong physically with them—or perhaps psychologically (e.g., separation anxiety). It’s crucial to monitor any changes in how your pet behaves so that you can take him/her to the vet as soon as possible if necessary.


These signs highlight the importance of regular vet visits to ensure your pet remains disease-free. Once your vet recognizes the cause of different problems, they can explain the next steps of treatment and give you some advice on what to do next.

Also, don’t forget to ask about follow-up visits. This will ensure that everyone stays on track with their end goal. 

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