The effectiveness of your brand’s website is often measured by how effectively it can convert visitors. Conversion rate serves as a reference point for your brand value, website usability, user satisfaction, and a plethora of other key metrics that are used to gauge performance. To make the most of your website, it makes sense to ensure it performs well within each of these metrics, and the best way to do so is by examining your conversation rates.

An average website enjoys around a 2.35% conversation rate. However, the most successful platforms can enjoy up to a 5X conversation rate with a personalized website for their visitors. No wonder why forward-thinking brands collaborate with experts like Viafoura for website personalization.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about increasing the conversation rates of your website.

What Is Website Conversion & Conversion Rate?

Simply defined, conversion refers to an event when a visitor completes the action you want them to take. This might be making a purchase by checking out of the cart,completing the call to action by clicking a button, sharing your post, subscribing to your emails, or registering as a member.

Therefore, conversion rate serves as a parameter to determine how successfully you’ve optimized your website. When set up correctly, a website can drive engagement and shows off its proper potential through high traffic and more buzz around your brand.

Put directly, the conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who accomplish the action you expect them to do, from simply visiting your website to becoming a paying customer. Irrespective of your industry, focusing on improved conversion rates continues to be a prime marketing strategy.

Increasing The Conversion Rates Of Your Website

Understanding buyer’s mindset is critical for marketers looking to increase conversion rates on their platform. In the virtual space, each click matters, and with the right approach and a little finesse, you can be right on track towards increasing website traffic. Increasing conversion rates. Here is how you can increase your conversion rates:

1. Website Personalization For A Tailored User Experience Of Visitors

Personalization involves implementing a strategy where business owners can welcome each visitor with a uniquely crafted web experience. Based on your visitors and clients’ online behaviour, past records of purchase, and other factors, you can adjust and provide information, products, or other offerings on your website that they might find interesting. This is a powerful way to offer unique value to each customer.

As much as 94% of businesses reported better conversion rates after personalizing their websites. Digital experience promoters like Viafoura help brands personalize their website for usability to generate better customer engagement and enhance your brand loyalty.

2. Implementing Auto-Chat Features

One of the biggest reasons brands lose potential customers and conversions is due to extended delays before they can find answers to their questions. A number of brands utilize AI driven, auto-chat tools to make it easy for new visitors with questions to find the answers they need. Consider the following facts:

  • AI-enabled bots automatically make contact with new visitors and offer assistance.
  • With limited human intervention, you can guide your visitors to the information, product page, or specific service they’re looking for.
  • Statistics reveals that 59% of the visitors would make purchases from brands that can reply to their questions in a minute.
  • Studies reveal that an auto-chat feature can enhance revenue up to 48% per chat hour, along with a 40% increment in conversions.

An increasing number of brands are integrating AI driven chat features within their websites. Whenever a visitor lands on the website, these bots start connecting with them, leading to where they need to be to remain engaged.

3. Have Well-Defined Business Goals

It is important to have measurable business goals and ensure that they’re well-defined. You might have goals for each action your visitors perform on your website. This way, you can assess consumer behaviour on the website.

In general, website owners and marketers need to prioritize their conversion goals based on the following metrics:

  • Form submissions
  • Subscriptions
  • Page visits
  • Clicks on specific elements
  • Custom conversions

With professional assistance from experts, measuring your goals becomes easy as you can track your visitors’ behaviour.

4. Use Personalized CTA

Personalizing your call to action (CTA) directly impacts the experience of your visitors. Blending the right design, colour, and texts, marketers can develop effective CTAs that are appealing and effective in successfully converting traffic.

You’ll need to deploy analytics to understand their browsing behaviour and gain meaningful insights from the data. With the correct placement and language, marketers can easily enhance their conversion rates.

Here are certain guidelines that can help you strengthen your CTA.

  • Make sure that your landing pages have compelling CTAs. Placing the CTA in an obscure or hard to notice position is almost as bad as not having one at all. Any visitor to your platform should be able to see it clearly.
  • Declutter your website to ensure that the CTA doesn’t get lost in the visual noise, and prioritize efficient and minimalistic web design.
  • Compared to basic CTAs, personalized ones work better by 202%. This explains why professional designers recommend using customized CTAs rather than generic ones that don’t speak to your unique brand.

5. Optimize Important Pages & Website Layout

Sometimes, poor conversion rates are rooted in the website layout. You can bring about radical changes in the crucial pages by optimizing your website features and display. As we suggested earlier, a simple yet visually appealing alternative design can directly impact the buyer’s mindset and willingness to accept the CTA.

Also, consider the following strategies:

  • Glean insights from visitor feedback, and carry out A/B testing to confirm findings.
  • Deploy sophisticated tools like mouse tracking, scroll maps, and eye-tracking to analyze the browsing experience of the users.
  • Determine where significant changes in the website layout are required to optimize them for your visitors.

Knowing what your users are expecting makes it easy to tailor the layout as per their preferences.


Website performance and conversion rates traditionally go hand-in-hand, and improving one of these assets is sure to support the other. By implementing the tips we’ve provided, you can significantly enhance your website’s appeal and increase conversion rates alongside it.

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