Considering that divorce can be one of the most emotionally and financially challenging experiences you may go through, it’s important to choose an attorney who understands your unique situation. You want someone who approaches your case with compassion and sensitivity and shows strength and aggression when needed.

You should check online client reviews, testimonials, and recommendations from friends or family.


Choosing the right lawyer for your divorce can significantly impact your case. A lawyer like those at Lebovitz Law can evaluate your unique situation and find the right balance of compassion, sensitivity, strength, and aggression in negotiations. Legal jargon should be explained, and realistic expectations should be given. A good divorce attorney will be upfront with you about your case and not make claims that they cannot back up. Avoid lawyers who like to please clients by over-promising or saying what they think you want to hear.

At your initial consultation, you can ask potential attorneys how available and engaged they will be. They should be able to answer your questions and provide feedback promptly. It is important to note that your attorney may delegate work to junior staff members, including paralegals and associates. Spouses should find out if these individuals will be handling any part of their casework so they can decide whether they are comfortable working with them.


Divorce is a financially complicated process. In addition to attorneys’ fees, couples must also pay for costs associated with hiring expert witnesses and property appraisers. During an initial consultation, spouses can ask prospective divorce lawyers about their fee structure and billing practices. They can also learn about potential cost savings.

An experienced divorce lawyer will break down their fees during the initial consultation, including retainer amounts and hourly rates. Spouses should be willing to negotiate and may find that a more experienced attorney offers better value than one with lower credentials.

During an initial meeting, spouses can assess how easily they can reach their prospective divorce attorneys and whether they are available for in-person meetings. They can also evaluate an attorney’s level of distraction during a consultation, as this can indicate how distracted they might be while handling a divorce case. Spouses can also ask prospective attorneys about their approach and whether they would be comfortable with that style. For example, some divorce attorneys recommend a collaborative approach to reduce conflict and avoid lengthy court battles.


Communicating effectively with a client is crucial for any lawyer, and the divorce process is no exception. A good divorce attorney can listen carefully to a client’s concerns, questions, and fears and relay them clearly and clearly.

The best divorce attorneys can also explain complicated legal matters easily. It can be helpful in reassuring clients that their case is in good hands.

During meetings and negotiations, a good divorce lawyer can maintain composure and demonstrate self-control in the face of strong emotions and frustration. This can help them better represent their clients and prevent their feelings from influencing their judgment.

They should also be able to respond to communications promptly. While this does not mean they need to answer the phone immediately or reply to a text message as soon as they receive it, they should only leave their clients a short period when communicating about their cases. It shows they are devoted to their clients and care about their work.


Ultimately, you want an attorney who understands how emotionally sensitive the divorce process can be and has the empathy to help clients cope with their vulnerabilities. You also want a lawyer who understands how to mediate custody issues, divide complicated assets, and settle complex cases.

You could ask your acquaintances and relatives for suggestions or search online for a good option. Once you have a shortlist of potential attorneys, please schedule a consultation to see how they will approach your case. During the consultation, please pay attention to how they communicate with you and how attentive they are to your concerns.

Ask them about their approach to divorce and whether it aligns with your goals. For example, if you seek to settle your divorce quickly and economically, you may prefer a lawyer who works in collaborative law. In contrast, you would want a more assertive attorney if you fight aggressively to secure your rights. Lastly, consider whether they have the personality traits to work well with your spouse’s attorney. This can make or break the outcome of your case.

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