Regardless of what your kids get up to when they go outside, you could say that wearing sunscreen is a complete necessity. However, even when you’re applying Blue Lizard kids sunscreen that’s designed to make the process easier, those wiggly little arms and legs can make it tough.

Struggle as they may, it’s non-negotiable, so by hook or by crook, you need to get it applied and applied well. However, we understand how difficult it can be, so here we offer 3 clever ways you can make the whole process easier.  

Who knows? You might find the ideal solution to your problem in the next few hundred words, so it’s worth reading to the end. So, if you’re ready, let’s begin.

Tip 1: Try Blue Lizard Kids Sunscreen Stick

Your average bottle of sunscreen can be quite messy to apply, but if you try and make things more fun, you turn it from a chore into a game. Sunscreen sticks go on just like body paints, so you can make a fun activity out of it instead. 

Of course, you might need to help them ensure they cover every inch of skin, but it’s a lot easier than doing the whole job yourself. 

Tip 2: Introduce A Sunscreen Application Routine

Your kids know that they should dress and brush their teeth when they start the day, don’t they? Why? Because you introduced a routine for it early in their lives. If you want them to start being proactive with sunscreen, you should do what you can to make applying it as normal as brushing their teeth.

The great thing about doing this early on is that you’ll instill a routine that may stay with them into their adult lives. Good practice indeed.

Tip 3: Apply Blue Lizard Kids Sunscreen BEFORE Putting On Swimsuits

The order in which you apply kids sunscreen matters too, as if you wait until they’ve got their swimsuit on, they’re only going to want to get straight into the pool or the sea. If you get it applied before that point, they’ll know they can’t simply run off and it’ll make keeping them calm that bit easier.

What it also does is make sure that you don’t miss any areas under the straps – as they can easily move and leave a spot unprotected. 

The More Changes You Make, The Easier It Will Be

As we can see, there are things you can do to make the tricky job of applying sun protection to kids a bit less chaotic. Any one of the three tips that you use from our list will make the application of Blue Lizard Kids sunscreen easier, but if you can do all three, you’ll make it even easier. 

Getting your kids protected against the sun is so important, as all it takes is for their skin to get burnt once to greatly increase the chances of skin cancer later in life.

However you do it, make sure they’re protected.

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